Thread: Questionaire
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Old 01-30-2004, 02:17 PM   #6 (permalink)
Darth Papa
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Location: Yonder
1. Age - 29

2. Gender - Male

3. Fave color - Red

4. Fave food & drink - Anything Atkins-friendly! Buffalo Wings, for instance! Mmm Mmm!!!

5. Most important to you - lurkette

6. Least important to you - Meh. Don' t know.

7. Fave place to be - In bed

8. Hobby/interests - Computers and Sex. What more does a boy need?

9. Job - I manage a company that makes e-commerce websites. My employees say my job title is Head Geek Wrangler.

10. Your mantra - There's Nothing to Fear but Fear Itself. Okay, that's not actually my mantra, but if I had one, it'd be something like that.

12. Animal that most resembles you - Back when I had long hair, it was a lion. Don't know these days...

13. Fave show - Probably The Screen Savers. Yes I am a geek.

14. Fave band/artist - Radiohead. Toldja I'm a geek.

15. Fave movie - Oy. Too many to list. At the moment, probably Amelie.

16. Own/Rent? - Own

17. Fave season or weather - Fall or Spring

18. Deep conversation or small talk? - Deep conversation

19. Things you like to do with your friends - Talk, Eat, Backrubs, sometimes front rubs....

20. S/O or Spouce? - Spouse.

21. Something you believe strongly about - That all people are inherantly whole, complete, and perfect. And that we all have barriers to the experience and expression of that wholeness, completeness, and perfection.

22. Pet Peeve? - Bad grammar and people who take themselves seriously.

23. Fave holiday - MY BIRTHDAY!!!

24. Fave site (besides TFP) - Slashdot

25. If you could tell the world just one thing, what would it be? - Frickin chill already! You're fine! There's nothing to be so worked up about!
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