Originally posted by Mondak
You know the big problem comes from being mostly a cynic anyway. Politicians make me feel so helpless to change anything. Most if not all of them are bought and paid for long before you would ever see them on TV or the news. When folks tell us what they think will get them to where they need to be rather than what they truely believe, it sucks. That goes for everyone from every political walk of life so lets not start a flame war.
As for Kerry, maybe it is not his fault, he just aggrivated my own issues. When I continue to listen to him on TV and read what he has to say, it seems he has identified a lot of problems with this country and really has not given a lot of concrete solutions. Again - lets not make this flame bait - you asked and I answered. I am not saying I am right or that this is isolated to Kerry. They all do it. I just saw a lot lately from him since he gets a lot of airtime.
Mondak, this is pretty perceptive of you. I think much of the Dean backlash began because all we heard from the media was how this guy was it and he was everywhere. Now, it is Kerry's turn at the helm and we will see how well he stands up. The fact is that Kerry is a traditional politician and that often turns people off. Add the fact that you can't seem to go a half hour without seeing him or hearing him or hearing about him and it gets irritating - and remember, he's the guy I've liked all along.
I respect that you have taken the time to see what he is all about, and I wish more people would do the same.
As far as Ustwo, I understand you get frustrated when people zip off one-liners and press releases, just make sure you don't do the same. Most Americans, regardless of party, are too busy or lazy to do the research necessary. I respect that you generally do your due diligence before posting but before labeling Senator Kerry as "unfit" for some of his personal foibles and private life decisions, you should consider some the life choices made by President Bush. (This is not meant to start a thread war, it is just a statement that EVERYONE has things in their past they may not be proud of. Those things don't necessarily prohibit them from being good, successful people in the future.)