Originally posted by Mojo_PeiPei
Lets see the World at that point in time Revolved around Europe... Britain was against the Wall, France was forced to surrender within 14 days ( hihi Maginot Line), League of Nations bowed down to the Blitzkreg, Eastern block was under Hitlers control until the US helped mount the western front, Russia suffered 20 million casulities.. History doesn't Lie. If we would've stayed out of the fray Europe and Northern Africa would be wearing Laderhousin and eating brats right now...
This is our boat, we are the sole HYPER POWER... other countries can putz around during the mean time, it doesn't change the status quo.... They have the choice surly, I'm not refuting that, but THEY have no control. Iraq Has proven the U.N. is obsolete (much like the League of Nations), and who is to stop us? Right now nobody... give China 10-20 years to catch up, maybe. What the fuck are countries like France going to do when the state of California is the 5th largest INDUSTRY IN THE WORLD? Sure they can contest our power, you can talk shit, but can you step up to the plate? Rummy was right, France and Germany's time is past, the show is our's and into the forseeable future. I'm no fool though, its the name of the game, and our time will come but that isn't going to be within our life time.
great, so we waited for everyone else in the world to get screwed then came in to push for victory... leaving us the strongest at the finish, whopee... however we've had much time since then and now and many things have changed... the only reason we still try to command power is because we choose to... I have long believed that the UN is a bloated vessel about as useful as a turd, and Iraq demonstrated that, so they're not a world power. Indeed we are arguably the strongest world power at the moment, however, that isn't by default, thats by choice... we chose to supress communism and set up our own dictators the world over, chose to go into kosovo and iraq, and ultimately chose every day to try and run the show. Since we choose to do these things, its obvious that everyone else should be pissed off at us, and whether or not we have the power to be the leaders, we should perhaps consider earning the respect as well