Stay at Sofitel is really kool.
Check out Shedds Aquarium and the museum of Science and Industry. The Field Museum is Kool, too...
There is also a GREAT Mexican restaurant down there (the name escapes me now) but they make guacamole right at your table!! and the mixed drinks are unique, and amazingly tastey...if your are in the mood for something out of the ordinary check out Ed Debevick's (Sp?) That place is hysterical...I will say nothing more about that place, don't want to give too much away...*grin*
If you are going with a SO check out the Signature Lounge on the 96th floor of the John Hancock building. Great place to sit and relax and watch the sunset....
Eat also at the Cheesecake factory...the food is magnificent.
Check out a stage show or 2....Go to a comedy club...or check out one of their amazing Blues bars....guarenteed good time...
It's My Duty to Please That Booty!!