It seems to me that these religious debates were a wonderful testing ground for science.....about a hundred years ago. Most of the debate at this time revolves around "Faith vs. Science" and there is not likely to be resolution either way. The truly faithful cannot, or will not accept many of the theories science has provided us. The science minded will never revert to a strictly faith based approach.
I have found that to accept all, and believe none works for me.
That may seem a bit to simplistic, and it is. Generally, I have few problems with the devout I interact with, because they pose no threat to my world view. The problems arise when someone is threatened by my "lack of understanding the devine". Although I do find this relatively insulting, I refuse to take it personally.
This is the "do unto others" hypocracy. I will accept that you believe, so please accept that I do not.
Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha