I agree with you Halx. In fact I would venture to say I have been there myself (raised Christian, though I denounced it a long time ago). Though people may not be born with a pre-disposition to it (autoschitzophrenia), it is indoctrinated via parents. If you have a religion there is a VERY good chance that it is the same one as your parents. I think (purely opinion here) that most religious people never even had a choice to be religious, that it was basically fed to them when they were younger (kids tend to believe what their parents tell them reguardless of how rediculous it may sound to an adult (hi Santa)). But kids can grow out of a belief in Santa because it becomes obvious that the parents are leaving presents out and not some fat guy coming through your central air ducts. Its not so easy with God though, and no one ever told you that you would burn for eternity if you didnt believe in Santa.
Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm a schizophrenic and so am I.