Coming to a personal understanding about the world can be achieved in several ways. Religion uses faith to explain all the gaps in human understanding and in many cases (please understand that this is a clinical term) denial. Science uses measurable, detectable and repeatable data to explain everything instead. Being a realist in mind and an idealist in heart, I hope to observe and learn from everyone I see with simply the respect for what they teach me.
My information is generally for my own understanding, but I post it here so that if anyone is nodding their head while reading, they can then do more research of their own. I understand where people who gain hold of such information can then use it to fuel prejudices and stereotypes, but these mechanisms are as human as speech and laughter. They cannot be prevented, and nobody's voice will be stifled, in the name of science.
While I wish to become a psychiatrist, dispensing perscriptions for those who require, I ultimately would like to delve deeper into my theories. It's going to take lots of funding, planning, and many participants. Experiment, experiment, experiment... then we'll see if I'm incorrect or in fact there is a little self-delusion fuelling the visions of our world's devout.
It hasn't been proven or experimented either way. You're free to argue, detest, denounce and object, but realize that this is only a theory. It's not like my life will come crashing down and I will give in to faith if my ideas are wrong. I'll just formulate new ones and test them out in turn. The life of a scientist.
So, understand that I am not trying to be harmful. I'll note yet again that the world is under my magnifying glass. I'm a geek in a lab coat. I am jotting down objective descriptive phrases. I may not be entirely neutral or politically correct, but unless I call you a stupid moron or something of the like, rest assured that even though you may not agree with me, I'd still invite you out for a drink just the same. No judgements applied. We're all just humans trying to understand our world.