you can certainly explain, but it probably won't remove my objection. in using the language that you are, it certainly has every appearance of pathologizing a certain kind of belief. I outlined my reasons for objecting to this.
You speak of self-conditioning as a choice, but my question would be if this truely occurs in people with no pre-disposition for schizotype thinking. I can also find no articles discussing might suggest where i find some?
Pride vs. humility. i honestly don't follow your arguement. partisanship (sticking up for only one's own team) is bad, but it isn't necessarily the same as pride. nor am i saying these things as pride kind of deal...i'm saying them because i honestly beleive the dialouge you started had the potential to be very harmful. i don't see that being in conflict with a goal of not seeking personal gain, and social rewards. humility doesn't equal silence...especially in a discussion between equals.
taking offense: i'd be lying if i said i wasn't the slightest bit upset by your words...but i'm not offended at this point. after venting to my journal, i took a deep breath, and thought about why i objected...and it was that i beleive that you were making unfair characterizations of people, ones that had the potential to be harmful. if you really care to keep that viewpoint, i can't keep you from it. but if i run across it in the future, i'll probably register my two cents, regardless.
why? its more or less what i do. my current project theologically is writing on mental illness and religious life-creating a liberation theology designed to help free persons with mental illness from oppression and stigma. at this point in my life, i see myself as an advocate for those whose voices have been marginalized, so i feel a need to speak up on their behalf.
its not about enforcing an orthodoxy on the issue...but it is about not letting shit slide. basically, i think i'm comfortable letting the following be my final words on the topic.
while i respect your intentions to explore the issues of faith and pyschology, i maintain that conflating mental pathologies and expressions of faith in the manner that you did has the potential of perpetuating stereotypes and stigmas. i'd hope that you refrain from making such statments in the future. thanks.