Schitzophrenia and pathology do not always go hand in hand. Sure, in more cases than not, it affects a person's daily functioning, but there are cases in which it is not pathological.
'Autoschitzophrenia' notes that this condition is self-induced. Through strong, constant thoughts, one can induce any number of psychological abnormalities on oneself. In my example, funny enough, this happens quite often and is not abnormal. When one makes a choice, or is conditioned to a point of view, these changes can occur to the point where people DO see things that aren't there and hear things that aren't there.. IE, talking to Jesus. Make sure you note that I made a point of labeling only DEVOUT religion in my original post. It's not my intention to diagnose droves of church-going followers as schitzophrenics. Now that's lunacy.
Also, as I tried to point out... I am open and listeing to everything you say. You're free to contest me. I'm just not seeing the world like you are, so it is unreasonable to try to get me to do so. I am, however, trying to *understand* how you're seeing the world, so in fact more communication is beneficial. It all helps me out with my study of humanity.
I have two views on what your journal snippet is conveying. First, is the hypocracy of religious people becoming offended. This is merely a logic complaint, so feel free to justify this to me. To become offended and in turn try to set someone straight is to disregard the humility that your religion declares that you adopt. Maybe I'm being too black and white about this... and in fact I've assumed that your religion (still assuming you definately have one) even does stress humility. Pride, as you know, is sticking up for your home team. It's all debatable, I'm not here to debunk religion as an upright set of morals. The morals associated with religion make for some very enjoyable people to hang around with. I'm just a sucker for semantics.
My second view is this. I'm not attacking anything here. Why become offended? Perhaps, in your view, I am helplessly delusional in some respects, but you must realize that it's impractical to make everyone agree with you. I'm not trying to enforce my opinions on anyone. I noted as well that this is just how I choose to view things right now. I don't judge people and I hope that people don't judge me. When you think of me, just think, "There goes a guy who is trying to figure things out on his own, for himself, and he's not hurting anyone."
It's all civil, man.