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Old 01-29-2004, 05:17 PM   #15 (permalink)
Liquor Dealer
Super Agitator
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Location: Just SW of Nowhere!!! In the good old US of A
The scrutiny one puts one's self under in running for public office automatically disqualifies most who have even thought of seeking public office. A succession of total crap in the office has made it all but impossible for anyone to be totally acceptable to anyone. In the past we have been satisfied with a man who was willing to do his best at the job of governing the country in spite of personal indiscretion.

When I was born FDR was president of the US. Depending on your political leaning he was everything from the greatest man ever born to a Communist/Socialist who was allowed to become dictator of the US. Death gave us the 22nd Amendment to insure no more FDRs, and Harry Truman.

Harry Truman became president in the very worst of times. He was a compromise VP who was made a candidate to get him out of the Senate. Truman was a tough, no nonsense man who made the slogan "the buck stops here" famous, and was probably the best President in modern history. He took the US through the remainder of WWII and captained the reconstruction of Europe.

After Truman came Dwight Eisenhower, a really nice guy who was smart enough to be a nice guy, smile for the camera, play a lot of golf, and leave government well enough alone as we enjoyed the prosperity of a post-war economy.

John F Kennedy - Some say that the Kennedy presidency gave proof to the belief that the office could be bought if you spent enough money - If Kennedy's private life had been scrutinized the way presidents are today, he wouldn't have lasted ten minutes. Assassination made Kennedy an American martyr and fate gave us LBJ.

Lyndon Johnson was an inept baboon whose basic claim to fame was in proving that the presidency can also be bought if your wife has enough money. Johnson and his cronies slogged us through the Viet-Nam era and proved once and for all that politicians should govern and leave the military well enough alone.

From Johnson, we went to Richard Milhous Nixon, a lack of color bland little man who, had he not been caught with his hand in the cookie jar, probably have been treated kindly by history. Whatever successes he enjoyed in foreign relations, and there were many, are probably never going to overcome the scandal and circumstance under which he left office.

Gerald Ford inherited the presidency, played some golf, bumped his head and tripped a time or two, and faded into the woodwork.

James Earl Carter replaced Ford. A Chevrolet would probably have been a better replacement. Carter had a bland presidency and a wild brother. Maybe if he'd had a little of his brother's get up and go he might have made a president. He has accomplished a lot more since leaving office than he did while president.

Finally a man with some life left in him, even if he was the oldest of all American presidents. Ronald Reagan was a man with scruples, morals, and honestly cared for his fellow man. Reagan was followed by his VP - George Bush who ran unopposed (for all practical purposes) against Dan Quayle (or was that quail?).

The rest has been history we'd probably be able to improve upon given the opportunity. Clinton gave us every possible thing that a president shouldn't be. A perfect example of how not to do it! Clinton is, in all probability, the reason no one will ever again be a truly acceptable candidate to the majority of the American people. It makes no difference at this point what anyone's feelings are on the circumstances surrounding the election of 2000. Neither candidate would have been acceptable to at least 52.7943% of the American people. Few will fess up to having voted for either one of them but questions why the other got a single vote
Life isn't always a bowl of cherries, sometimes it's more like a jar of Jalapenos --- what you say or do today might burn your ass tomorrow!!!

Last edited by Liquor Dealer; 01-29-2004 at 05:20 PM..
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