Some people agree, some people disagree.
Hey, you can disagree and pick it apart all you like. Just means I didn't word myself well enough, and I can accept that.
I am approaching everything from the simple viewpoint that God, religion, and otherworldly matters do not exist. All that exists is physics. With this viewpoint, it is easy for me to be skeptical of religion because it is based off of unproven knowledge.
Now, don't mistake religion with ethics. When I say religion, I am assuming that there is a God or otherworldly being involved.
My intent to explain religion as autoschitzophrenia should not be insulting. How do you think people who suffer from malignant schitzophrenia feel about that? It's nothing to be ashamed of or ridiculed for. It's simply a scientific explanation for something that nobody else wants to provide a good enough explanation for.
This sounds very closed-minded, I'm sure. I assure you that I'm open to anything and everything, but I am just not the type to believe it without satisfactory proof. I may not know every little kink of every single religion in the world, but that's not necessarily needed with my viewpoint. In science, you need to assert general assumptions in order to get your point across in a reasonable amount of time. In psychology, which is becoming my specialty, it is accepted to proceed with a few assumptions because the human mind isn't running a program with just a couple variables involved.
So, to sum it up, I am viewing the world through my point of view. Your arguements are being acknowledged. They are being assessed so that I can formulate these assumptions more accurately on my next go around.
It's true, I am viewing everything from my highly biased, but not personally judgemental point of view. I am not open to adopting anyone else's way of thinking, however I am open to understanding it. Everything that people argue is beign construed to in turn fit my own arguement. However, my arguement changes as I learn more and more, so please don't feel the need to point your points into my skull. I'm letting you know what's happening when you reply, trying to set the record straight with me, or something.
So, to wrap it up. I don't think any of you are wrong, right, twisted, crazy, or anything. My take on life is very clinical, so I'm disappointed that some of you have taken offense to what I've said. All I'm doing is trying to explain things for myself. If any of you wanna agree with me, cool.