John Kerry - Never saw a liberal bill he didn't like, and branded a Communist in the 70's. For half the country, this screams "unqualified". He has the history, the speaking ability, so on, but if you're only representing HALF the people, is that really good enough? I guess we'll see. Instead of having a president who pisses off half the people with his conservative, big-business attitude and warmongering, we'll have one who pisses off half the country with his liberal, pro-environment stances.
Dean - His remarkable shift in attitude shows he is absolutely not qualified. Yes, Mr. Dean, it's somehow Joe Trippi's fault that you shrieked so loud half the undecideds ran to John Kerry. I used to like Dean, but he's done. His reactionary behavior the last couple weeks have shown the early claims to be correct- he's not "calm" enough to be president.
Edwards - I like Edwards, so I'll try to badmouth him only a little. Ask most Americans who the least trustworthy people are, they'll tell you lawyers. Next? Politicians. How bout both? He's got 5 years in politics, and probably wouldn't win his Senate seat again. To a lot of folks, that's unqualified. He's still my favorite. Go Edwards!
Clark I already okay'd!
Lieberman - Well, this is really simple. If you don't have the confidence of 10% of Democrats and Independants to be our country's leader, even after being extremely high profile and very nearly vice president, chances are pretty good you shouldn't be. I won't bash him much, except to say he's the most Republican Democrat I've ever seen. I won't even begin to wonder the effect his election would have on US/Israel relations and all that is involved... because that would be pure speculation.
Oh yeah, he looks kinda like a Troll, too. And Kucinich looks like Gollum. Think it doesn't matter? Image is important.
I'm a Democrat, and a liberal one, in a lot of ways. I'd love to say all these guys are perfect, but they're not. I think they're better than Bush, but I'm not the one who needs convincing!