Originally posted by Liquor Dealer
Apparently all you are waiting for is the opportunity to make a rant or express your opinion of him since you have absolutely no interest in what anyone else has to say - pro or con. Make your rant and get it over with and you can end this debate you are having with yourself.
Well - I don't quite know what to say to that. Other than being told that he is a "boob" and that he won't win against Bush, I don't know that I learned anything here.
I quite readlily admitted to not knowing anything about John Kerry AND not being able to be objective because the only thing I have to go on is when he rants on talk shows. As such, I don't know that I would have a very credible position to bash someone else or whatever. People are voting for this guy, so there must be some attraction.
As stated above, any information from anyone who knows anything about JOHN KERRY would help me understand my world better. Despite what I am being told here, it is nothing more than a legitimate search for knowledge.