The Biggest
Boobies Pennies Can Buy.
A Different Kind Of Company. A Different Kind Of Boobies.
Great Boobies. Great Times.
The Science Of Boobies.
It's Not All Boobies, Boobies, Boobies, you know.
(YES IT IS!!!)
We Build Boobies.
Bet You Can't Eat Boobies.
(betcha I can!!)
Four out of Five Dentists Recommend Boobies.
(As do I!)
Life Should Taste As Good As Boobies.
(Yes, yes it should)
Just One Boobies - Give It To Me!
Does the Hard Boobies, So You Don't Have To.
(but I DO want to!)
Hope It's Boobies, It's Boobies, We Hope It's Boobies...
(tra la la la)
A Boobies A Day Helps You Work, Rest and Play.
(I couldn't agree more!)
A Glass and a Half in Every Boobies.
(Sounds about right)
Come See the Softer Side of Boobies.
(where do I sign up!)
I am Stuck on Boobies, 'Cause Boobies's Stuck on Me.
(Oh, yeah!)
Get More From Boobies.
(I wouldn't expect any less)
Boobies - It Looks Good on You.
(Sounds like a great pick-up line
Reach Out and Touch Boobies.
(As long as I don't get slapped I will!)
Central Heating for Boobies.
(Girls, should you be concerned about cold boobies?)
A Tough Boobies to Follow.
(and yet, I'm still following)
Go On, Get Your Boobies Out.
(yes, yes! please do!)
It Takes A Tough Man To Make A Tender Boobies.
(and I'm the man for the job!)
Everything We Do is Driven by Boobies.
(ain't that the truth!)
Think Once, Think Twice, Think Boobies.
(yes, they usually do come in pairs.)
Ho Ho Ho, Green Boobies.
(Didn't Kirk do her?)
It Could Be Boobies.
(what else would they be? watermelons?)
Two Hours of Boobies in Just Two Calories.
(Now there's the perfect diet!)
You Need A Boobies.
(don't we all, don't we all)
Solutions For a Small Boobies.
(hey, big, small, I don't care)
3-in-1 Protection for your Boobies.
(isn't that the girl from 'Total Recall'?)
You've Got Questions. We've Got Boobies.
(Great answer!!)
The Best Boobies Under One Roof.
(are at home)
What Can Boobies Do For You?
(what CAN'T they do for me?)
Live in Your Boobies, Play in Ours.
I'm Only Here For The Boobies.
(yes, yes I am!)
I Feel Like Boobies Tonight.
(Make that every night!)
Got Boobies?
(do man-boobs count?)
Let Your Fingers Do the Walking Through the Boobies.
(If you insist!)
Wow! I Could Have Had a Boobies!
(what do you mean could? Never miss a chance to have boobies!)
If You Want To Get Ahead, Get A Boobies.
( *blink* *blink* )
You're in Good Hands with Boobies.
(strike that, reverse it)
Smart. Beautiful. Boobies.
My Doctor Says 'Boobies'.
(must not be part of an HMO plan)
There's Always Room For Boobies.
(I'll say!)
Wait Till We Get Our Boobies On You.
(I can't wait!)
Whatever You're Into, Get Into Boobies.
(Words to live by! Can I get an 'Amen!'?)
(I'm sorry, I can't help myself when it comes to the sloganizer)