I tend to have the same problem (if I even get up for class). My broadcasting class (a lecture class) is at 8am, two days a week. The times that I'm actually there, I have quite a bit of trouble staying awake...of course I can't stay awake in my art studio classes in the middle of the day, either.
I would second the recommendation for ephedra, but it's recently been outlawed.
Therefore I recommend a nice, cold can of Whoop Ass....honest to God. It's an energy drink from Jones Soda, and while it's tastiness is only slightly better than Redbull, it will wake you up like no other.
Or, do what I do: sleep, but try not to make it obvious. If I'm sitting next to someone I know, I ask them to slap me if I fall asleep...usually works.
it's all about self-indulgence