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Old 01-28-2004, 05:19 PM   #120 (permalink)
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Location: Fort Worth, TX
Lets also not forget that in the state I live in, which puts the most criminals to death out of ANY state, JUST put two white men on death row for the killing of a black man maybe 4-5 years ago. This is, after thousands of blacks are on death row for the killing of whites.
Um... please state the significance? These men killed another man, and they are being put to death for it. It is THAT simple, yes they were racist, and for their actions they will die. What more do you want?

I was talking about MINORITIES, not defects specifically. I was saying that since people born with disabilities are minorities, and ALSO given alike "awards" or whatever, why don't you sit around and complain about how THAT is unfair.
Let me get this straight. Because you are black you have trouble going up stairs, you can not drive, you can not communicate with people who dont know sign language, and you can not handle normal classes because you are not mentally competant. Oh wait, the only difference you have than me is the skin pigment.

Sorry, handicapped people have a HELL of a lot more trouble in this world than you, so dont compare.

Black History Month is the shortest month.
Yeah, but it is also the only month dedicated to a race.

And I'm sorry, if like someone described, there are 70 black students out of over 200-something then I'm sure they need something like this in their school.
Fair enough, but if you implement this you would need to be 100% equal, offer the exact incentive for whites who attend schools which are primarily black/hispanic.

Guess what, minorities are UNDER-REPRESENTED
It's a democracy, the ONLY reason minorities would be un/under-represented is if they dont vote. The power is in your hands.

I just find it hilarious when white people in this country act like they are at SUCH a disadvantage and feel SO offended with the idea of minorities moving up in society. God FORBID the day there's a black president because we all know a black person could NEVER win legitimately; it'd have to definately be given to them. Anyways...
Please, state where anyone said anything to this manner? Heck my room mate is black and I'm currently helping him get through classes to get to med school, wait, I'm white, I'm afriad... thats right.

The fact of the matter is, everyone knows this punk ass kid was just trying to be a smart ass and didn't really want to be considered for this award.
Couldnt agree with you more, but the simple manner is it is blatently racist and needs to go.

Look, I with all my heart support programs and scholarships that are based on ability and income, but programs like this doesnt even come close to the "separate but equal", it is legal discrimination and needs to go.
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