Clean your house . Cockroaches are also attracted to grease and food particals . Anything in your cabinets that is in boxes like ceral and rice.. noodles and stuff like that put into plastic containers. Same thing for mice. Does no good to buy pesticides and stuff if you don't help it out by cleaning up what attracts them. Mice won't chew thru plastic tupperware containers and if they do it kills them so I have heard. It makes it hard for cockroach's to feed if they can't get to the food supply. If you have pets. I put the dogfood and cat food into cleaned out plastic paint buckets. The big ones or get a trashcan with a lid to store pets foods in. It honestly helps. Borax.. I have also in the past laid borax down behind cabinets and stuff where kids can't get into it and it helps to kill cockroaches. I have also heard that dry cement will kill mice. May not get rid of all them .. but it does cut it down signifigantly. They may go to the nieghbors and come back from time to time. I have seen maybe 5 cockroaches since I have moved in here in the 5 years I have lived here. Knocks on wood for luck!
Can you imagine Moses asking Congress to pass the ten commandments?
Last edited by EruptiveDreamz; 01-28-2004 at 03:10 PM..