Originally posted by Liquor Dealer
How much more explanation do you need. Airplanes were flown into the buildings - extreme heat from burning fuel caused catastrophic failure in the steel structure of the building and it collapsed. Money can be spent in re-investigating this until Hell freezes over and there will be no other explanation - Try reciting Humpty Dumpty over and over again and see if you reach any conclusion other than that expressed - They fell down and all the king's horses and all of the king's men aren't going to ever make the towers stand again. They are gone. You can look at the scrap steel through any type of device available and will find it is no different than any other steel ever made - get it too hot and it loses iit's strength.
Well you have your recital down cold but you are not part of the parties (like those representing those slain at WTC) who have pushed for probes.
I presume you are not concerned and I appreciate your reply...Later.