I'm getting great laughs from this, but there's an obvious consequence. Someone without a conscience might not hesitate to seek revenge on his own and do something really fucked up.
I had a coworker once (I was his supervisor) who really seemed to like me, even look up to me, but when I disagreed with him once in favor of another employee, it became his mission in life to get me fired and fuck up my car and threaten my family. Really. If you have never heard someone threaten your family before, believe me, the thought stays with you. I would have liked to pull his spine out of his throat, but instead I got him both fired and arrested just before I took a vacation for a couple of weeks. (The dumb shit put his threats in writing at work for others to see.) When I got back, he was still in jail, for taking it out on his wife. I never heard from him again.
less I say, smarter I am