Thread: Values
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Old 01-27-2004, 05:02 PM   #9 (permalink)
Something to keep in mind is how you were raised as a child. What did you like about it? What did you think was fair and wise of your parents? What would you do differently?
Then, looking at yourself now. Make sure that you are helping to mold your child into something you are setting an example for-
such as, if you're gonna talk the talk, you better walk the walk.
Also, not teaching them on what I've been brought up as right and wrong, but just as showing them that there are different consequences to difference actions. Just simply telling them "no" or that something is bad they will never understand, unless you explain what could result in their actions.
PATIENCE is a virtue.
Simple acts of love- hugging, kissing, cuddling, surprises, giving them choices.
My parents were very lenient with me, as my personality was very stubborn and independent and they realized that I would do something even if they said not to, but they never talked to me much about anything. My son is the same way, but I will talk with him more.
I will be there for my son, even through his rebellious teenage years, but the key to less rebellion is show him that I do relate to him, that once I made not-so-wise choices and had questions and problems too. I will let him make choices yet let him be aware of the consequences, If I have to use the word No, I will also explain why, and give him privacy. I will stay involved in his life, but show him respect.
I will encourage him and tell him that he can do anything he puts his mind to. And I will support and love my son no matter what- and I will keep reminding him that his whole life.

Last edited by :::OshnSoul:::; 01-27-2004 at 05:05 PM..

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