obviously alkaloid has never been to africa, because that's where I go home to when I'm on break to school (so it like im going there for a vacation) and it really is one. The laid back atmosphere and incredibly rich environments of places like Zambia and Uganda are not something you'd want to leave. Also they have a decent night life. As to post travel depression, its all in the travel time... Ive been flying roundtrip to east africa from the NE US about 2-3 times a year for four years now, (a trip of about 30-50 hours depending on how things go), and what you need to do is get depressed about spending time in the plane so that you actually start to look forward to things you do when you get back. Believe me it works, otherwise 50 hours in a plane when you're going back to get an engineering degree would be a perfect recipie for suicide. Tis a time tested art, but I always manage to feel good by the time I land back at school.... now whether that good feeling lasts through the term is different