Originally posted by tecoyah
I would need to be relatively sure of the individual who wrote the directions down, and therein lies the issue.
While I firmly believe the "Ten commandments" are an excellent set of rules to live by(most of them), I am uncomfortable taking directions from a stranger. I know, I know, I just need to "get to know" your god.
This is unlikely if not impossible, considering that your god isnt even the same one as your preachers'(priest,cleric,rabbi,etc...).
And what if the guy who took down the directions as "god" dictated(unless you think it wrote them itself) made a mistake and the video store is actually four blocks down? Do you trust the transcriber in the same way you trust the author?
And whos to say that what is meant by a block in 3000BC is the same as what a block means today, especially since we're reading the babelfished version.
Everyone has their own "God" in the same way that everyone has their own reality based on the content of their mind. There is only one God, but no two people will ever view him in the same exact way because attitudes, experiences and beliefs affect their interpretation of events and information.