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Old 01-27-2004, 02:37 PM   #110 (permalink)
Originally posted by shakran
Well of course you have the RIGHT to use it, but I have the RIGHT to object to it if it's not accurate. Seriously, what's the point of this phrase? The majority of people using it have never even seen Africa. The best result you can hope to get by insisting on being called African-American is a cultural and racial divide from the rest of the people in this country. I'm tired of people saying "he's black" or "he's white" or "he's African American." Why not, "he's a person?"
Shakran your smugness is bleeding through the screen. And the more I post the more I feel you don't understand what my point is.

I mean, bloody hell!

In my eyes you keep arguing semantics and seem to be ignoring the point I'm trying to make.

And this whole "He's or She's a human being" thing, I mean come on. I wish it were that simple. And if rascism was a thing of the past then it probably would be that simple. But as I'm sure you know it isn't a thing of the past.

Perosonally, I hope we always point out our differences along with our similarities. Why? Because our differences are what define us and make us interesting and who we are and define are cultures. And why would we want to destroy our beautiful and unique cultures? (and no I don't believe culture has to be defined by race, it's just an example)

Careful, you're trapping yourself. If you're saying that kids, because of their youth and the fact that they obviously did not live through slavery/segregation/etc, cannot understand the history of race relations, then that logic applies to all children, including black children. Why, then, insist on filling all the children's heads with racially divisive poison when we could use their innocence as an opportunity to enforce the idea that we're all people, not that we're all different races.

No I'm not trapping myself you bloody smart ass (I could bloody get used to saying that ). No I'm not saying the kids CAN"T understand, I'm saying at the moment they clearly DON'T.

Why is it important that they understand? Because rascism still persists to this day and it's important that they understand how destructive a force it is.

Ugh, we're all going in bloody circles here. The adminastrators should bloody lock this thread and we can all bloody agree to bloody disagree.

P.S. Shakran, by saying "I'm white" you just defined yourself by your race. We all tend to do that don't we. And until aliens live among us and we can say "I'm a human, and that's a martian" we'll continue to do so.

Last edited by sadatx; 01-27-2004 at 02:42 PM..
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