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Old 01-27-2004, 11:43 AM   #108 (permalink)
Originally posted by shakran
Why in bloody hell is it any more offensive for a black person to be called black than it is for me to be called white? African American is an inaccurate term unless you have dual citizenship. It is certainly an inaccurate term to label all black people with. It's high time everyone quit getting so damn offended over words.
"bloody hell"? You english there shakran?

Alright, what I wrote has been misinterpreted so let me explain.

First off, do you think caucasian is f**king accurate? Far from it. Yet, there it is in use today in America, meaning white.

And, of course I don't think the word "black" is offensive. I love the word. For me it's nothing but positive. It's strong, it's intelligent, it's defiant, and I could go on and on....

Futhermore, nothing makes me prouder then when I hear these words put together: "A STRONG BLACK MAN".

But when Nisses, (and man I ain' trying to pick on you partner, I know you didn't intend to offend anyone, besides "the PC crowd" of course), seems to completely disregard what African-American means to all Black Americans, whether they acknowledge it or not, and then uses "BLACK" as a slur, (again I know you didn't mean to be offensive but that's how it came off to me), with seemingly a complete lack of respect, I tend to get a little pissed.

And this is all indicative of why all the younger kids coming up don't understand the import of any of this. This is why they don't see where the anger and pain come from. And why they'll be quick to say "African-American isn't accurate you don't have any right to use it" without understanding any of America's history and how that makes all these issues much much more complex.

Originally posted by Nisses
sadatx: if it's the word black you so much dislike? Do you honestly think that by giving it another name you will minimize and nullify any differences? I mean, you give off the impression that it's wrong to be black.

Nisses see what I wrote above.

BuDDaH, sorry to get off topic let me bring it back.

I think the question boils down to this: Do you all honestly think that these three kids (especially the South African kid, who just moved here) fully understand the history of race relations between black and whites in America? And do you think they have any clue as to why what they did could be seen as being offensive? (And I'm sure the South African kid understands the complexity of race relations in South Africa, but that's a whole nother ball of wax.)

I don't think these kids understand anything about what they did at all.

They just saw the words, but they still don't get the meaning.
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