Originally posted by CSflim
I'm not the world's greatest when it comes to sport.
OK...I'll admit it, I suck at every concievable sport, always have, always will.
We had sport when I was in school, complete with such things as "the A-League Team", "competitions" and "Physical Education"(Gym).
Often the schools team for some sport or another would return home victorious and parade around the school displaying their trophies and medals, and later photographs would be hung in the hallway.
Perhaps I have the right to take offense at such things?
Perhaps this, combined with my athletic "underachivement", caused irrevocible damage to my precious self esteem?
Who the fuck can I sue?
With any luck, maybe I will be able to get rid of such awful things as "competitions" and "teams" from school altogether!
Or maybe i should just shut the fuck up whining, accept that sport isn't my thing/I am to lazy to put any effort in, and get on with things. Give the people who worked hard to achieve what they did (academic or athletic) the credit that they desrve, and then get on with life!
Well now, I've gotta say that I think that CSflim has summed this up pretty nicely. I agree 100% with everything that he has said here. Well said, sir...well said.