I was raised with a do as I say not as I do technique...it didn't work very well. It took me alot of harship to become the decent average bear I am now.
So much potential wasted. Responsibility MINE. No one else's
I resent that very much, and will NEVER raise my children that way. I have alot to learn and UNLEARN I'm sure
Anyway, as the proud provider for the 15 weeks of precious cargo currently growing in my wifes uterus, I AM VERY happy to see this new forum, and look forward to taking from and contributing to it.
Have permission to post pictures of our fifteen weeker, and will try and get that up.
It is absolutely amazing that fifteen weeks in, ten fingers, ten toes, two legs, two arms, a beating heart, and two hemispheres of brain can be clearly discerned.
We were even able to get a fetal heart beat with this doppler device type thingamajig.
I don't have stills of it all, but fingers and toes for sure.
best all,
It's alot easier to ask for forgiveness then it is to ask for permission.