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Old 01-26-2004, 06:50 PM   #96 (permalink)
Sorry if some of these points I'm about to unfuck have already been unfucked, I came in late.

Originally posted by BuDDaH
People like this really need to take a good look at themselves and ask "What am I doing? What am I trying to say or prove?"

(These idiots just robbed part of a script from "Soul Man" with C. Thomas Howell.)
Are they trying to get into "some" club with "one of their own".
Actually, the Americans were supporting an African-American friend. In you're obviously devisive statement, you claim that being African American is only valid if you are black.

Are they trying to be Politically Correct and found someone they think "qualifies" as their definition "African-American"?

(By finding someone an "Caucasian" African and nominate him for an award CLEARLY dedicated for the "Americans of AFRICAN decent" is making a mockery of the whole thing and SHOULD be expelled for being "insensitive".) How are they being that? Why should they be suspended?
How can you say that he is not an American of African decent? He was born in Africa. He experienced African culture. He is now in America.

I can give one reason: If they thought the award should include anyone who also shows the trait one must have to win it, WHY DID THEY NOT pick anyone else, even themselves to be nominated?
Because they were not African-American.

(NOOOOO, they had to go and get someone who was African...) INSENSITIVITY, very blatant..
Yes, since this award was to be given to an African-American...

What they were doing was sending a message, a real fucked up one. Trying to find a point where they can "turn the tables" and point a finger, saying the how racist the whole organization is because they can't get into the "club" they shouldn't be trying to join in the first place!!
Are you trying to say that if he was a black man that had just moved from Africa a few years ago, he would have also been disqualified and suspended?

You might want to think I am speaking because I am a Black.
(Yes, but I see myself as AMERICAN more than even being Black.)
Uh, you're a Black American. Not one more than the other.

Did they really think an African who is caucasian is a candidate for an award designed and embodies awareness and recognition of the trials, tribulations and struggles of the BLACK AMERICANS and their DECENDANTS? (Three words: Hell-fucking-NO.)
This was billed as an award open to African-Americans. Not a decendantsofafricanswholivedinamericaalongasstimeagoohandyouhavetobeblack award.

Still can't understand why they were expelled?
He was suspended.

1) He and I, standing in a park, I am thirsty and so is he. If I drank from the fountain that he just drank from, what would happen? (You know, the one marked "WHITES ONLY"..)
I've never seen one of these at a public park. Have you? Oh, you're talking about 50 years ago, well before any of those kids were even born.

2) He and I, get on a bus, who can sit where he pleases, and who has to sit in the back. (God forbid, if the bus got full, then who would be forced to give up his seat so a "Caucasian" can sit down?
Dude, it's 2004.

3) They KKK corners "us" on a road, somewhere on the country-side? WHO would get lynched? (I think he wouldn't like to volunteer that information he's from Africa right then.) How many Caucasians were lynched because of the color of skin?
This is just stupid. They'd both die, white people didn't like white people who liked black people. Luckily it's really 2004, and this broken "point" has no bearing on the reality of TODAY.

I think you see the picture now, so let's fast forward to today:
I missed it, but lets do...

1) He and I apply for college,(ex: Yale, Yeshiva, Harvard...) who more likely will be accepted and who will recieve a background check?
Wait, there's no black people that work at Harvard? I'm not saying this NEVER happens, but why would you be afraid of a background check? If you've been a good person (black or not) you shouldn't have to worry about receiving a background check. You're applying a sick stereotype here. Have you not seen progress? I assume you're also claiming that a black person would never make a decision on an applicant based on skin color. Purely insane.

2) He and I goes to the same job interview, who'll most likely to get the job without having to have a drug-test before hand?
See above.

3) He and I, standing on a street corner, the police rolls up, who will more likely will the police check and ask identification for?
Both of you. If they have reason to suspect a crime, they won't just let half of you walk away.

Let me not get carried away, I know you see my point... Too easy to pull "that" card, huh.
Too easy to try these days.

Now, let me tell you what that award is for.

It isn't about being Black, or African American.
Actually, it's an award meant for an African-American. Or maybe I read that wrong.

It is awarded to an African American that best exhibits a postive attitude in their contributions in their school work, sets example for his or her peers, and shows promise in face of the racial "restrictions" that are STILL being oppressed on their lives TO THIS DATE.

Now, in this case, their point is that his ONLY qualification for nomination is that he's from Africa?
(To point-fuck, he isn't American to boot..) If you agree to this plight and thing it's reverse-racism, you obviously MISSED the point....
He's an African living in Amerca (might even be a citizen?) with his family. I choose to embrace legal immigrants as Americans, and since he's from Africa, I'd say he's "more" African-American than you (assuming you were born in the states). When someone asks you where you're from, do you say Africa? Do I say Sweden? No. Again, this was an award for African-Americans. If he wasn't the best candidate for the award based on his achievements then he wouldn't have won.

Unfortunately, he wasn't the best candidate based on the color of his skin. This is the attitude we're trying to get AWAY from, not embrace.

This isn't about the award, this isn't about MLK. People should look at them right in their faces and see these people are wrong,
and tell them that, point-blank.
Like this? "You are white, therefor you are wrong." Sounds like a really wise statement to me. pssh.
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