woman on normal day: Pounce on her and make love for hours..
woman on period day: make her dinner, give massages, footrubs, chocolates, roses, scented oils, etc..unntilll..
woman on first day after period: She pounces on you and you **** until you can't move for 3 days...
Unless you go for redwings and that's good too..just that i've found that women are more uncomfortable about that than men....
there has been research showing that women have 2 phases of sexual cycles during a typical month. When she's most fertile, she'll want the soft, loving, long lasting sex that loosens up and makes her body most receptive to conception...When she's on her period, she's more about "ME" style sex, meaning she'll rock your world 3 different ways from sunday..she'll also be more open to trying new things...
This holds true for most of my exes..