Risk Rules, I play it with my friends all the time, has anyone played Risk2 for the computer? It adds a pretty nifty concept where everyone gives battle orders (hotseat style of course) and then it plays out. If you attack somewhere, the entirety of that army can be gone when you get there, on its way to attack some other poor sap.
North America is definately key, the only problem is getting it initally, its rather large. We usually play mission risk, world domination can take forever and a day. Much of our game is politics, I try to illustrate the person's backstabbing history (if they have one) to prevent alliances between other players. Intimidation rarely works (If you take greenland I'll annihilate you) because it draws major attention. Sometimes I think its better not to get a card if you can set yourself up to get more cards after everyone else has been forced to cash.