Originally posted by pocon1
Supermidget, I agree about teaching children proper gun control, but the child was three. At that point, they don't understand what they are doing.
I have to agree with both you and Supermidget. The child being 3 may not have understood what they were doing, but that was the parents fault. I have a son who is 2.5 years old. About a month ago, I started teaching him handgun safety.
He does not know where I keep my guns and he never sees me get them out or put them away. The gun is always unloaded whenever he and I look at it. Before he gets to hold it, we go through the firearm safety info. Never point it at anyone. Never point it at the animals...etc, etc, etc. He then gets to hold it under careful supervision. As long as he does not do anything unsafe with it, I don't have a problem.
The last time I showed him a gun, he accidently pointed it toward me. I quickly took the gun away and told him no. You could see the disappointment in his eyes as he knew he had done something wrong. He didn't completely understand what it was that was wrong, but he new it was something. We talked about it so I knew he knew exactly what he had done for me to take it away from him. After we talked about it, he got to hold it again and he was more careful with it. I fully intend to take him shooting when he is 4.