Originally posted by Pain Train
If you got something on the bid can you pull it out at anytime??
If you mean your the seller and you got a better offer off ebay, you can only pull out if you stated that it was for sale localy and you reserve the right to end the auction early. If you have not stated that before a single bid was placed, you are legaly bound to sell it to the highest bidder (assuming no reserve), and ebay
will take you to court over this. don't tempt fate.
If you're a buyer and want to retract a bid you made, you can do so, but ebay notes in your user profile that you retracted a bid so other sellers can see that you've been know to pull out of a bid. many car auctions ban those that have pulled from a bid in the last six months. Also, the selller has the right to refuse your bid retraction through an appeal to ebay, and ebay takes seller retraction requests very seriously. the have a seperate staff devoted to this. Ebay can deny your bid retraction, in which case you will be required to follow through on any amount you bid.
Failing to follow those rules will get you banned from ebay, both by name and email address.
If and when ebay discovers that a banned member has rejoined using another name/email, they will ban you again, and may persue legal action. Again, Ebay has a full staff devoted to this issue as well.
The lesson here is that anything on ebay is a legal contract (the courts have found in favor of ebay nearly everytime, and ebay is rummored to file at least 25 lawsuites a day on failure to pay on winning bids), and you are legaly bound to it.