I'll break with the popular opinion, and come out and say I hated it. It was full of bad cliches done badly, horrible, horrible editing, could never decide what type of horror movie it was supposed to be, devoid of even a pseudo jump or moment of suspense, borrowed heavily from other movies and at least one classic campfire story, and did so poorly. The only sastisfying point was toward the end where Spoiler: the only character to survive that we were made to hate from the get-go is riddled full of bullet holes, the joke at the end felt like it was the whole reason they made the movie, and they carried on with it far to long for and satisfaction to be derived from it. And this is coming from someone who LOVES bad horror movies.
" ' Big Mouth.
Remember it took three of you to kill me.
A god, a boy, and, last and least, a hero.' "