PHP Code:
<LOAnnie> do guys like getting stuff on v(alentines)-day?
<numist> *shrugs* I like giving more
<LOAnnie> I would love to get someone special something but I'm not sure what a guy would want
<numist> well LOAnnie, Im sure you'd be able to figure something out
<numist> why, you going to get something for Teddy?
<BillORights> LOAnnie, I have a hard time beleiving that you don't know what a guy would want...for V-Day.
<LOAnnie> I was thinking bout it yes :)
<LOAnnie> BillORights, besides getting laid? ;)
<bermuDa|TFP> i'm at a loss
<bermuDa|TFP> what do you get a GUY for v-day?
<BillORights> "gift wrapped" even :)
* LOAnnie goes to the store and buys a red ribbon
<bermuDa|TFP> i've never gotten anything on it, so i 'm at a loss
<BillORights> ther ya go!
<bermuDa|TFP> wow that sounds good, LOA
<LOAnnie> :D I think he'll be pleasantly surprised
<BillORights> problem solved
<LOAnnie> thanks guys :D
<numist> hmm... just show up at his door in nothing but a ribbon...
* numist thinks bad thoughts
<bermuDa|TFP> or a trench coat
<LOAnnie> hehehe
<bermuDa|TFP> and high heels >_>
<BillORights> <---likes the way bermuDa thinks
This oughta help... some lines were edited out for readability
There you have it people.