Thanks you for seeing what I been trying to show. Now I'd wish some of you quit trying trying to attack ME and stay with the topic, I said before NOT to take any examples I made out of context. Affirmative action hasn't done shit for me nor have I ever looked for a handout or help because I am Black.
You all can come up with examples how you been discrminated against because you been in a situation similar to something what most Black Americans go through on an everyday basis.
(For every instance you can come up with, I can show 30, so let's quit the "pissing" contest..)
You all can "try" to take apart those examples I made, but I'll tell you something, all of them except the KKK reference are TRUE. So, you can come with your hypothetical hebejebees, and try to make some "reasonable" equation on how it went or why it happened that why, but I know why it went down that way. Deep down, so do you.... It's a shame people are still like that.
You can say what you want, but it is only half a generation away from when they still lynched a Black who "supposedly" whistled at a Caucasian woman... True, they have made some leaps and bounds into getting rid of racial discrimination, but if it would have been fair and equal from the get-go, it wouldn't have been like this in the first place...
And Gak-face: What the fuck lions, Romans and Christians have to do with this and American history?
I'd hit that so hard whoever could pull me out would become King of England!