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Old 01-26-2004, 06:16 AM   #21 (permalink)
Reality check time. I crunched some numbers, and this is what I came up with. These numbers are from McDonalds website.

Spurlock started out weighing 185. Rough estimate of caloric need: 185 X 15= 2775.

Article claimed he gained 25 lbs in 30 days. Assume that maybe 5 lbs was muscle, and 20 lbs fat (when you overeat, you put on some muscle for a little while, until your metabolism kicks in to level things out, that is why bulking programs do add some muscle).
To gain 20 lbs of fat (you need 3,600 cal. per lb of fat), he would need 72,000 extra calories. 5 lbs muscle (800 cal. per lb muscle), 4,000 extra calories.
his daily metabolic needs, 2,775 cal.
grand total to gain 20 lbs muscle and 5 lbs fat=159,000 calories, or 5,300 calories a day.
Now, if he ate:
Breakfast: egg mcmuffin, hashbrown, orange juice=570 cal.
Lunch: 2 cheeseburgers, medium fries, medium coke=1260 cal.
Dinner: Big Mac, Supersize Fries, Quart of Coke=1500 cal.
Grand total= 3330 calories a day.
potential weight gain= 4.6 lbs of fat.

Now, what the hell was this guy actually eating? Most people could handle the food I laid out and feel like they ate a hell of a lot, and some people would be mentally sickened by the amount of food. This guy was purposefully overeating so much that he was throwing up. He was overeating by 2525 calories a day. I could drink too much water, end up in hypowhatever(covered in water thread) and claim that water was really toxic. Again, like everything, it boils down to what you do with it.
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