Originally posted by crackprogram
You might read this and think that I am a middle-class white guy who is peaved because someone of color could get into college or get a job ahead of me on the basis of color. Well, I am a white guy, and I am peaved.
I'd like to point out that being a white guy, you have a statistically greater chance chance of coming from a wealthier background, thus living in a nicer area, thus going to a better school, thus being more encouraged to go to college and being better prepared to do so. You being peeved is noted, though.
Affirmative action isn't the solution. It's a stopgap. It's an attempt to bootstrap minorities into the same economic strata as whites. Phaenx, as much as I'd like to see you cudgel your brain some more, don't bother trying to get it. Maybe you only see affirmative action as taking something away from you, not giving it to someone else. Maybe you've just never seen it work. AA is not great, and I'll support ditching it the minute something even marginally better comes along.