2. Iraq is a large country, whaaa, guess Bush should have though of that before kicking UN inspectors out. The burying under sand argument is BS since we can find hidden things in sand dunes (planes ect) through fractal geometry.
I live in Texas where they need to find things underground efficiently (oil searching), the best way to find things underground is resonance.
The problem? they have a VERY limited range. You suggest doing that through the entire desert? My point was they know when our satelites go over (radar can track this easy), they'll have a 12 hour period usually in which they drive the truck for 12 hours into the middle of no where and bury it (satellites dont take pictures in the middle of no where).
1. What Clinton did or didn't do has nothing to do with Bush. Clinton launched lots of missles at WMD sites, guess he had pretty good intel then because we can't find any WMD now.
I think Ustwo covered this well.
4. The US sold Iraq the Biological weapon starter strains, our hands are far from clean on that issue.
Yep, this has been covered enough. In choosing the lesser of two evils no one stays clean unfortunately.