I would like to state that yes, I am white, I am middle class, and all around "average" in this society.
But I would also like to say this now, I've lived my life as the minority, probably worse than you. In my graduating class there were exactly 10 whites, 280 hispanic/blacks. So yes, I know what I'm talking about when I mension discrimination. When I first moved here I thought my name translated into gringo or hudeo (spanish terms for whitey basically).
3) It also is supposed to be in memory of Martin Luther King, who fought for civil rights and equality for the African-Americans.
That's funny, I've studied him to a very large extent and I saw him fighting for the civil rights of everyone... man I must be wronge there...
I can give one reason: If they thought the award should include anyone who also shows the trait one must have to win it, WHY DID THEY NOT pick anyone else, even themselves to be nominated? INSENSITIVITEY
No, they picked him simply to show hipocracy.
Did they really think an African who is caucasian is a candidate for an award designed and embodies awareness and recognition of the trials, tribulations and struggles of the BLACK AMERICANS and their DECENDANTS? (Three words: Hell-fucking-NO.)
Hm.. my family was discriminated against when they moved here, Germans shortly before WWI... my grandparents home and farm were burned and threatened with death. I have personally got my ass kicked a few times simply because I'm white, I've have been flat out told I didnt get the job because they dont like "whiteys". Funny... where's my award?
1) He and I apply for college,(ex: Yale, Yeshiva, Harvard...) who more likely will be accepted and who will recieve a background check?
Thanks to affirmitive action (AKA legal discrimination) You will get it, congradulations.
2) He and I goes to the same job interview, who'll most likely to get the job without having to have a drug-test before hand?
As said above, I've been flat out told no because he didnt like the color of my skin, have you?
It is awarded to an African American that best exhibits a postive attitude in their contributions in their school work, sets example for his or her peers, and shows promise in face of the racial "restrictions" that are STILL being oppressed on their lives TO THIS DATE.
Yes, and it's a very sad thing. But how can you honestly justify one thing when it aids you while arguing against it when it doesnt?
his isn't about the award, this isn't about MLK
You're right, it's about helping one group of people while not allowing others the same access simply because of the color of their skin. It was very wronge then and it's wronge now.
Yes blacks have had it bad for a very long time, but at the same time every class/race/origin has in this country other than white/English/protestant. About the cops I've personally whitnessed this with my room mate (who happens to be black), yes it definately needs to change, but this does not have anything to do with it. As I said, you can NOT fight against something while justifying it at the same time.