A computational conundrum
Actually, I just wanted to say"conundrum".
The dilly is thus: due to a landlord-created blackout, my server crashed after the UPS gave out. Sadly, it was apparently the last straw for the poor little fucker, cause it isn't turning back on, pretty much. System drive is definately corrupted, and the system won't stay stable long enough to even boot from a floppy.
So here's the thing...it's kind of a weird mobo...the Abit AT7. It has a Highpoint 374 RAID built in, for a grand total of 6 (!) IDE channels onboard. I've been using it for a storage box, and it currently has over 1TB of drive space on it.
To purchase a new AT7 would cost me roughly $155 (I tested the RAM, it's dead too). However, I never liked that stupid motherboard...so it doesn't make too much sense to buy it again.
Without buying a new processor, which I'd like to avoid, I'm stuck with mobos that support a 1.4 AMD T-bird, 266FSB.
Should I just say fuck it? I need a motherboard capable of handling 6 hard-drives, most of which exceed the 137GB limit imposed by ATA100. I have the bad feeling that it's just going to wind up more expensive in the long run to get the same mobo, etc, again...
My sig can beat up your honor student.