Sometimes I tell jokes. (this is actually true) I figure sex is a time to enjoy yourself, and who doesn't like to laugh? I know that is a little weird...
As far as sexual noises go, I think it may have something to do with the way that orgasms progress. When I have sex, I enjoy it, but don't have orgasmic type sensations until I am near the end. At that point (the last 30 seconds or so before the orgasm) I definitely make noises - I can't help it. Before then, I am having a good time, but noises are intentional. For the women I have been with, I think that the entire thing is more like the last 30 seconds is for me - only less intense. The noises they make aren't intentional, they are reacting to the sensations.
Also, women definitely react well to any noises or body language you give them. Who doesn't like appreciative feedback?
Cogito ergo spud -- I think, therefore I yam