I had one that ended in a prediction type thing...It was when I was a child, 11 or 12. My family was set to move to California, from Long Island. I was really upset about it a week after the bomb had been dropped my Mom and brother were in Cali looking at houses. They found one and sent us an email with pictures, the house was about half a mil. it was a giant white house, you could literally get lost in this thing. All the house was painted white on the inside. That night I had a dream, I was running through a giant white house, boxes such as those that are used when packing stuff were all around me. I was holding someones hand running, as if for my life away, from something.
I was searching for an exit. I couldn't find one, I pulled the person whose hand I was holding, it was a random girl, behind a bunch of boxes, a giant stack to the cieling, at least twenty feet high. Then the thing we were running away from stomped into the room. It was a gaint beast, a behemoth, fear itself perhaps. I left the girl hiding and climbed the boxes to the top where I kicked them down onto the monster, ending the dream/nightmare.
A few weeks later, we had not decided not to move in the summer like we had planned. The reason, our stock had crashed from the CEO coming out to being a corrupt crook.
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