Wow! I'm not sure how you casually ask a woman if it's okay if you take a piss on her. I mean casually implies you may ask over dinner or while at a ball game. I can see it now, sitting behind third base at the game in the fifth inning. "Hey Carol, I've had a few beers do you think you'd mind if I took a pee on you?" WTF? It's not that I think it's strange to have that desire (I don't think that nor do I have the desire) but rather I have no idea why you would want to do this or feel frustrated by the fact that you can't figure out when it's okay to do it.
At my age of 39 I've dated a lot of women and the following I believe to be true about the women I've dated:
a) Not one of them would answer yes to that question (Can I piss on you?)
b) Not one of them would go out with me again after asking that question
c) Not one of them would not go out of their way to tell all of their friends and probably mine about the request and
d) They would all think it was more than just a little odd that someone they were dating would ask such a thing.
Perhaps I'm sheltered just a bit in my experiences but I don't think I would ever be able to find a taker for this activity outside of Las Vegas where it would likely cost you a couple of hundred dollars.
What are you willing to give up in order to get what you want?