Originally posted by Mojo_PeiPei
What ignorant and dishonest can of worms? Name one atheist that has done has much as a mother theresa or PJP II, or saved as many lives as Pius. Name one atheist charity that feeds the the hungry or clothes the naked like a mary Jo copeland like my native minnesota. What has atheism done to help your fellow man like that of the Catholic Church, the Christian religion, the Islamic religion or the Jews... when have the secular Atheiests ever done anything that those of the Judeo-Chrisitian-Islamic influence done anything to help their fellow man???? There have never been atheist wars??? Maybe not, but I do remember Stalin sending catholics and other brave souls not willing to forsake their beliefs to the gulags, I do remember Saddam imprisoning and crushing the beliefs of Shiites because it challeneged his power... you better believe more sin lies on those of the secular and atheist tradition in this century, our "enlightened" century, then those of the Judeo-Christian denomination.
Further more you may resent the Church for sins of the past, but my humble and most honorable leader PJP II has asked for forgiveness of the sins of the past and if you are not "man" enough to forgive the church that beef rests on you. Outside of that, where would this world be without the church??? Thats right you would probably be Muslim and speaking some form of spanish right now had it not been for those "ignorant christians" ,bible thumping ignoramices, those cruel and savage muslims who were bent on world domination several hundred years ago would rule this sindig... this world would be a different place and you would not have a place such as the TFP to vent you frustrations against the "church". The fact remains the church perserved western civ to the extent that is now, NOT Atheism, Not Islam, Not Thaoism, Not the Hindu's and Not the Buddist's. If you can't get over some petty stupid bullshit wrongs on past generations, then there is no helping you. May the god that governs' man, may the god that gives us our god given rights preserve youin peace and prosperity.
Was it atheism that inspired our founding fathers??? Oh no thats right it was the god that governs man. Not the Judeo-Christian God, but the God of nature and man. Pick him as you will, he is out there, and Judgement is his, and may he have mercy on YOUR soul. Good fight and good night.
Sir Mojo of Pei Pei...
We've fucked up (in the church), we're big enough to admit and ask for forgiveness, are you big enough to forgive us???I'm crunked up, that is all thanks.
Okay thats about enough o' the bull that you are spinning....
The deaths caused by Stalin were in the name of statism just because Stalin was a sociopath has nothing to do with his beliefs. Furthermore, Stalin did take Russia from a back-water third world country to a country that can do toe-to-toe with the united states and he did this in less than 30 years.
On Saddam you said "I do remember Saddam imprisoning and crushing the beliefs of Shiites because it challeneged his power..." Gee a dictator killing people who challenge his rule, how very, very predictiable. This one is again a product of politics and statism.
Your argument on the Catholic Church's history is they did bad things but prevented the spread of Islam. Kind of like how Stalin did bad things but built his country into a superpower.
"Further more you may resent the Church for sins of the past, but my humble and most honorable leader PJP II has asked for forgiveness of the sins of the past and if you are not "man" enough to forgive the church that beef rests on you"
You fail to see that the Church then and the Church now are the same, the Catholic Church is a power structure and it tries to get people to live the way it wants them to live. The CC still has a misguided worldview because that worldview is based on a static 1900/1700 (Nicea) year old book. The beliefs against birth control is only their so that more Catholics are born and thus the Vatican power structure is propped-up. The lies (Condoms can't stop AIDS, ect) coming out of the Vatican hurt all people and are solely propigated to further the Catholic Churches agenda. The reason I can't forgive the Catholic Church is the acts have changed but the mindset is clearly the same.
Your aguments against Muslims are absurd since Christians and Jews were taxed a bit and then left alone in Muslim society. All-non Christians were killed in a LOT of Christian societies, hell a lot of the time it was Christians killing Christians (Spanish inqusition, France's religious wars.) Nevermind that Muslim society PRESERVED western (Greek/Roman) society when Europe into the Dark Ages till the Renissance/Enlightenment.
"Was it atheism that inspired our founding fathers??? Oh no thats right it was the god that governs man. Not the Judeo-Christian God, but the God of nature and man. Pick him as you will, he is out there, and Judgement is his, and may he have mercy on YOUR soul. Good fight and good night."
Yeah, um... a lot of the founders were Diests. Which means infact he ISN'T out there, he left after creating the world. That also means no judgement and no soul. Sorry if you believed that Diest = Christian but it doesn't.
So in closing, please leave the bullshit at the door because some people on the forum have pretty good detectors.