try to have several people on hand when the movers are packing your stuff. I've moved across country 5 times now, and EVERY time they've pulled the damage scam on me. They'll list furniture in much worse condition than it really is (typically your brand new dining room table will be listed as "scratch,nick,chip,gouge,scar,varnish damage, water stain") - - then, when they bust your stuff en-route, they're covered because, gee, it was like that when they packed it, and YOU signed off on it.
They'll also try to get out of compensating you properly. They moved my easy chair and ripped a big rip in the cushion. They gave me $100 (it's a $700 chair) and told me to take some fabric off the back of it and recover the chair. WTF. Of course, you're so busy moving in, and getting your life back in order, that you don't have the time or energy to fight it. Totally sucks.
Anything you have that's especially valuable, move it yourself. Computers, antiques, photo albums, the china your grandmother gave you - - if it's valuable it WILL be "lost" (read: stolen) or busted.
Movers suck.