Would this heated seat kit help? If you know something about wiring you just might be able to rig it up to work just like new.....
Originally posted by james t kirk
I had the seat out on the weekend, it's an awkward S.O.B. to be sure. It's heavy and just barely fits out the door. GM is so cheap that they no longer use four bolts to secure a seat, they use two with hooks on the front that key into a slot in the floor.
Getting both those hooks back in was a real pig.
Anyway, I think it can be skinned since it has these plastic stips that essentially wrap around the plastic seat bottom and lock into place. I didn't have time to open the seat up on the weekend since i needed the car.
sigh, this car has very bad electrical. Everything seems to burn out. Even the dash lights, and they are soldered in and you can't source replacement bulbs.
You just haven't done it enough times

If you tilt the seat all the way forward and slide the seat all the way back it's pretty easy...done it many times in my friends grand am and about the dash should be able to go to radio shack and find some to solder in