School, of course... Last day of classes the 29th, so french, madness in chinese literature, and environmental science finals after that, music juries on the 29th (don't know all the scales and stuff I need to have memorized for it yet), presentation on tuesday for the 3000-word research paper I haven't started writing yet, chamber music concert on thursday or friday, and my music for one of the pieces disappeared, a french test this week sometime, and a page or two for madness due tuesday as well. Oh yeah, and maybe a lesson on tuesday too, which i haven't practiced enough for yet. And, just to top it off, the bike I came home to pick up (since my other bike got recalled) was sold the day before I got back, so I won't be able to use it on the trails this spring, at least not until I get back home after school's out. But the weather's nice, and schools almost out, so its all good... just have to make it through the next week or two.
I'd rather be climbing...
I approach college much like a recovering alcoholic--one day at a time...