Originally posted by smooth
/scratches head
Well, the usual response is that he would need to kill a carjacker.
Or, save an old lady from a mugger.
These are the usual responses from the gun crowd--don't know why they aren't holding to their usual mantra now.
How would he be able to get a trigger lock off a gun in time to be a hero?
The guy had a license to carry and he put it in his console. We don't know whether the child was in a car seat or whether he was too big to be in one. I wonder if all you gun carriers stick the thing in your pants whenever you run into 7-11?
Anyway, a little senstivitiy is in order--the guy lost his son because of an accident. It's an accident that would have been prevented had he placed a trigger lock on his gun or left it at home. Yet, whenever I mention such a restriction in various other threads the gun crowd wails that they won't be able to whip it out and kill a criminal in enough time.
It's also an accident that would have been prevented had he not been allowed to have a gun at all.
I'm fine with any of these suggestions, yet it isn't the "anti" gun crowd yelling about the right and duty to carry lethal weapons at the ready...
Well as a member of the "gun crowd" all of those responses would be good.
But what's the point?
The idiot fucked up as surely as looking down the barrel himself and pulling the trigger.
I'm sorry, but I'm not here to defend stupidity.
Edited to add: It's also an accident that would have been prevented if he had just followed basic gun safety, i.e., CCW holders don't let their guns out of their presence/control. And yes, that's EXACTLY what he should have done, stuck the gun in his pocket and gone into the 7/11.