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Old 01-24-2004, 03:05 PM   #70 (permalink)
European Son
Location: Norway
Originally posted by sixate
That's the most ridiculous conspiracy theory I ever heard in my life. So your basically saying that you think my government is secretly and slowly trying to take over the population, strip us of everything we have, and put us all in jail? How do you base that judgment when you don't even live here or have any real life experiences with how things work in the US? You just believe whatever propaganda you want to believe. People bitch and cry about crime in the US, but when something is done to help eliminate criminals people cry because their rights to be fucking criminals are taken away... WTF?! I still have not had an answer to my question... Who violates peoples rights more than criminals and terrorists? I can tell you one thing. My government sure as hell doesn't violate me more than criminals.....
Ferchristssake...firstly, these laws will stick along for the future, I'm not saying that GWB is going to turn into Stalin over night, but that this kind of legislation paves the way for just that kind of people. Just the same way it has happened in the past. Crime is everywhere, and is more closely connected to poverty and desperation to wether or not people will get shot if they step on eatch others lawn. The problems with the patriot act isn't neccecarily wich kind of govermental actions it allows, but how easy they might get permission to act. You keep saying this only matters to criminals and terrorists, and thus it shouldn't matter to you, but you have to understand that these laws might one day harm innocents, and maybe it already has. When will we ever know if there are any innocent men on Guatanamo? They are kept there without trial, and have already had numerous of their human rights violated.

I don't care if it sounds like I'm wearing tin foil here, it is naive and gullible thinking like that which have paved the way for oppressing regimes to rise from democracies before. I pray it won't happen again, but it takes more than prayer to prevent it.
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