Actually its not that hard to "sneak" into base. You can just drive a missle truck and tank over in some areas and just bomb the spawn point to death. Been there, done that... its too cheap. Many people will say its O.K. ONLY if All other bases are captured... but if you just spawn kill.. the enemy doesn't get a chance to do anything and then you can capture all the bases.. Is THIS your method of justifying the game? I'm sorry but I'm a gamer who still plays with Honor and Respect. If there's a new generation of gamers, then I'm glad I missed out, because killing people that can't defend themselves have yet to be anything to talk smack about, I don't care WHAT your ratio's might be. I can get someone while they're shooting at me... you on the other hand can kill someone who is in a coma. Oooh big ratios...
I have yet to understand why people think its "fun"....
Welcome to the club! Not that I'm in the club. And there really isn'a a club in the first place. But if there was a club and if I was in it, I would definitely welcome you to it.