the government does not have the right to withold the same legal status and tax benefits to gay married couples as it does to mixed couples, the government also does not have the right to prevent any two consenting and reasonable adults marrying.
Of course, this can become difficult, should a daughter and a father be allowed to marry, if both genuinely wish to, or canwe assume the daughter cannot be reasonable if she wants to do so?
Once you start enforcing your own standards of reason on other people's actions, then it becomes a matter of degree what is repressive and what is necessary.
Clearly, we do not want parents to be able to marry their children, and most people would think it is right that this is illegal, and I believe most people do believe gay marriage should be allowed. We should always trust the democratic instincts of the people - not the media, the government, the religious zealots, those who cry the loudest - ordinary men and women normally will make the right decision if they are allowed to.
I am slightly biased though, since my mum is gay, and I dont think it is fair, legal, or decent that she should be prevented from marrying her girlfriend if she wants to.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas